Cranial Cruciate Ligament Disease Part 3: Extracapsular Stifle Stabilization Technique
Course Details
This lecture has been RACE Approved for 1 CE hour for veterinarians and veterinary technicians.
This lecture is designed for the veterinarian who wishes to learn/refine the lateral suture technique and to understand the major advantages of PowerX Crimping System. The ExCap Lateral Fabello-Tibial Suture technique will be taught in a step-by-step fashion. This lecture will discuss isometric points for suture placement, proper approach to the stifle, removal of the cruciate remnants, identification of the proper placement of the suture, and how to secure the ExCap suture using a precise crimping system. After attending this lecture, attendees will be prepared to practice the technique on cadavers during the recommended hands-on workshop.