Emotional Intelligence – Other Awareness
Course Details
In order to get the most out this module, please complete the general emotional intelligence, self-awareness and self-management modules. The ability to perceive, express, understand, and manage emotions is the cognitive-emotional intelligence called Emotional Intelligence, an intelligence that can be developed over the life span. In this learning module the focus is on the EI competency of Other Awareness, which is the precursor to Other Management. Self-awareness is the ability to accurately perceive, name and understand another’s emotions requires us to observe, ask without judgment, and discern between your feelings and another’s. In this module we consider how habits, previously discussed in Mind-Body 2 module, impact our EI. Two habits of developing other awareness are practicing an interval between a stimulus and response, and working with workplace tools such as agendas. This module offers questions for self-inquiry and suggestions for working with a colleague or in teams as you develop EI. **This module is intended for all team members.