Methicillin-resistant Staph: Superbugs
Course Details
This lecture has been RACE Approved for 0.5 CE hour for veterinarians and veterinary technicians.
Methicillin-resistant staphyloccocal (MRS) pyoderma is a major issue plaguing veterinary practitioners, and rates of bacterial resistance continue to rise. In addition, the spread of methicillin-resistance amongst the human population has created a true “one-health” issue around the world. In this lecture, participants will learn how to recognize a staphylococcal pyoderma in small animals, with a major focus on recognizing risk factors for resistance. Peer-reviewed guidelines for treatment of MRS will be presented, and practical application of those guidelines will be discussed using a variety of clinical cases. We will review managment strategies for minimizing nosocomial and in-home spread of resistance. Finally, paricipants will learn appropriate topical therapy protocols for MRS, as both adjunctive and primary treatment for pyoderma.