Pulse Oximetry and Capnography Monitoring with Differentials and Treatments
Course Details
This lecture has been RACE approved for 1 CE hour for veterinarians and veterinary technicians.
This lecture will provide attendees with an understanding of balanced anesthesia with the need to monitor cardio-cerebro-pulmonary variables. Physiology of respiration (oxygenation and ventilation) under anesthesia will be explained in an effort to focus the attendee on the intricacies of monitoring plane of anesthesia depth, as well as respiratory system function. Pulse oximetry, capnography and arterial blood gas analysis will be explained in terms of technology, common scenarios presented intraoperatively, trouble shooting, and outcomes possible actions. Recent literature will be presented on capnography and pulse oximetry in case studies. The attendee should gain an appreciation of monitoring these variables in practice and have a solid understanding of trouble shooting common intraoperative problems for small animal patients.