This lecture has been RACE approved for 1 CE hour for veterinary technicians. In this lecture we will review the basic anatomy and pathophysiology of the respiratory system and focus on the technician’s role from Read More

What’s New in Food Allergy
Course Details
This lecture has been RACE Approved for 0.5 CE hour of continuing education credit for veterinarians and veterinary technicians.
Elimination diets are considered the standard-of-care for diagnosis of cutaneous adverse food reactions (CAFR) in dogs and cats. This lecture will outline the prevalence of CAFR, common allergens, and indications for use of an elimination diet. We will discuss the latest peer-reviewed literature on CAFR and its recommendations for diet selection, length of diet trial, and availability and limitations of in vivo and in vitro testing modalities. We will also discuss the use of molecular testing to identify discrepencies in labeling of elimination diets, and implications of that testing on diet selection. At the end of the lecture, participants will be able to identify patients at risk for CAFR and develop a diagnostic diet and challenge plan for those patients.